Blog much? Not so much. I have been doing A LOT of sewing, and haven't taken much time to blog! But that means that this post will be mostly pictures of the projects I have been working on.
The count down is girl is scheduled to arrive in 22 days and a few odd I have been sewing like a maniac to get all of my projects finished, as well as to leave a few spare hours to sew a few things for baby! I will officially be a full-time stay-at-home mom in a matter of days, so hopefully that will increase my sewing time...though this 70 degree weather may make me re-think how I spend my hours!
Okay, on to pictures...
Up first, a custom tote for a dear friend.

As you can see when compared to the regular tote, this one is not as tall, a little wider, and has elasticized exterior pockets on the ends.

As my dear, kind friend wrote after receiving her bag, "I love it. Carried it today and
it is so much better than my Vera Bradley..." Wow! Talk about an ultimate compliment!!!
This next one is a custom purse/bag. The client was looking for something more like a purse and less like a diaper bag, as she didn't necessarily need a diaper bag but something rather for toddler snacks, toys, etc. I love the size of this--big enough to fit all you need, not so big you put in a bunch of stuff you don't need just because you have the space!

This last one I am calling a "messy bag". It is about 9" x 11", ecouture (lined with recycled plastic bags) with velcro all along the top edge. My vision for this is to toss in a diaper bag to have for when you need to stash some dirty clothes or maybe even dirty cloth diapers. Just turn it inside out and wash with your laundry.

This is a t-shirt quilt that I made for a friend of mine who happened to be my high school math teacher. She used to coach cross-country when AHS used to have a team, and wanted a way to save her memories.

According to the message she left on my parents' answering machine (which my mom played for me over her cell phone for lack of a better way for me to listen to it...being high-tech runs in my family! haha)
"I had planned on storing this in the car to take to football games, now I am looking for a place to display it in my home. You took something that was boxed up in my basement and made a wonderful memory for me." You all are so kind!
These next few pics are a sample of what I have been working on for the many friends and family who have had or are having babies. This set is for my niece and nephew and their new sister set to arrive in June. ***Please note that I cannot legally sell anything licensed, such as the K-State pieces pictured. If you would like something made out of licensed fabric, you will have to purchase the fabric and essentially hire me to make something out of I am selling my labor, not a licensed piece.***

And finally, just a fun piece that I made for our baby girl. I just couldn't resist! And yes, mom, it can be worn with a shirt underneath, in case baby girl gets cold in the 100 degree weather we are known to have now and again!